How to Cancel a Pallet Order
Updated 7/13/2011
For Version Update 22 Init 18
Cancel Steps for Orders with Picked Pallets that has already shipped:
- Remove the pallets from the Shipped BOL using the Shipment - Ship Order - Create Pallet BOL Screen.
- Follow the steps in the next Section.
Cancel Steps for Orders with Picked Pallets in Picking Complete or Packing Complete Status
- Click Cancel on the Order Entry Edit Screen.
- Click Cancel Order with Picked Pallet on the Confirm Cancel Order Dialog
- On the Cancel Pallet Order Screen:
- Enter a Cancel Reason
- Select an Inventory Location for the Cancelled Inventory
- If you want the inventory to be shown as available in
the original picking location (for example, if the order was never physically
picked), check Return to Pick Location.
- If you want all the inventory for the order to be
placed in a Cancel or Dock location, uncheck Return to Pick Location and select
a Cancel Location (Area and Shelf).
- Click the Cancel Button
- To Putaway pallets, combine pallets or move pallets that
you cancelled to a specific location (i.e. Dock location) use the Pallet
Tracking- Move Orders tab to build and confirm a work order.
Cancel Steps for Orders with Allocated Pallets with SOME order lines Picked Complete
- Bring up the order on the Confirm Orders Screen and zero pick all remaining order lines and perform any splits as necessary.
- The Order will now be in a Picking Complete status and you can follow the instructions in the section above to cancel the order.
Cancel Steps for Orders with Allocated Pallets and NO order lines Picked Complete
- Bring up the order on the Allocate Orders Screen and click the Unallocate Button.
- Perform the steps in the next section to Cancel the order.
Cancel Steps for Orders in Awaiting Allocation Status with NO order lines Allocated or Picked Complete
- Bring up the Order on the Order Entry Edit screen and click the Cancel Button.
- Click Cancel Order on the Confirm Cancel Order Dialog
- Enter a Cancel Reason
- Click the Cancel Button