How to Cancel a Pallet Order

Updated 7/13/2011

For Version Update 22 Init 18

Cancel Steps for Orders with Picked Pallets that has already shipped:

  1. Remove the pallets from the Shipped BOL using the Shipment - Ship Order - Create Pallet BOL Screen.
  2. Follow the steps in the next Section.

Cancel Steps for Orders with Picked Pallets in Picking Complete or Packing Complete Status

  1. Click Cancel on the Order Entry Edit Screen.
  2. Click Cancel Order with Picked Pallet on the Confirm Cancel Order Dialog
  3. On the Cancel Pallet Order Screen:
    1. Enter a Cancel Reason
    2. Select an Inventory Location for the Cancelled Inventory
      • If you want the inventory to be shown as available in the original picking location (for example, if the order was never physically picked), check Return to Pick Location.
      • If you want all the inventory for the order to be placed in a Cancel or Dock location, uncheck Return to Pick Location and select a Cancel Location (Area and Shelf).
    3. Click the Cancel Button
    4. To Putaway pallets, combine pallets or move pallets that you cancelled to a specific location (i.e. Dock location) use the Pallet Tracking- Move Orders tab to build and confirm a work order.

Cancel Steps for Orders with Allocated Pallets with SOME order lines Picked Complete

  1. Bring up the order on the Confirm Orders Screen and zero pick all remaining order lines and perform any splits as necessary.
  2. The Order will now be in a Picking Complete status and you can follow the instructions in the section above to cancel the order.

Cancel Steps for Orders with Allocated Pallets and NO order lines Picked Complete

  1. Bring up the order on the Allocate Orders Screen and click the Unallocate Button.
  2. Perform the steps in the next section to Cancel the order.

Cancel Steps for Orders in Awaiting Allocation Status with NO order lines Allocated or Picked Complete

  1. Bring up the Order on the Order Entry Edit screen and click the Cancel Button.
  2. Click Cancel Order on the Confirm Cancel Order Dialog
  3. Enter a Cancel Reason
  4. Click the Cancel Button