This function allows you to receive POs entered or imported into Coreflex using the desktop application.  POs must in a status of Awaiting Receipt.


  1. Below is the first screen which is displayed after select Receive PO on the Receiving Menu.



  1. Enter a question mark (?) to search for a PO to receive.  If the PO # is known, it may also be entered or scanned directly.  After entering a Question Mark, the following menu is displayed which prompting for how to lookup the PO.



  1. Enter number corresponding to how you would like to Query the PO.  Our example will use the Product selection.



  1. Enter or Scan a Product in the receipt.  All POs in a status of Awaiting Receipt that have the scanned product on it will be displayed.



  1. Enter the number that corresponds to the PO in the List and PO Information will be displayed.  The Screen prompts for Reference #.  Note that the Reference # prompt must be enabled using the Receive PO/ASN Reference Prompt to Enabled on the RF Prompt Configuration screen.




  1. Enter the Reference #.  Based on the settings QuickBooks: PO Field to use for Ref No and QuickBooks: PO Item Field to use for Ref No when creating Split Item Receipts when creating Item Receipts in the RF Prompt Configuration screen, the reference field will update the PO Reference # on the PO Receiving and a PO Items Field. The Screen prompts for Location.



  1. Scan a Location to receive the inventory into.  The screen will prompt for a ProductId.




  1. Enter or Scan the Productid being received.  The screen will display the Product information, the qty of the product in the location, and the qty of the product on the PO.  The Screen will prompt for the Lot # being received.  If Feature Lot Control is not on, it will prompt for Qty next (Skip to 10).  Also, this prompt can be disabled by setting the Receive PO/ASN Lot Prompt Default to Disabled on the RF Prompt Configuration screen.



  1. Enter the Lot # or enter a space for no lot.  The Screen will prompt for an Expiration Date.  This prompt can be disabled by setting the Receive PO/ASN Exp Date Prompt Default to Disabled on the RF Prompt Configuration screen.




  1. Enter the expiration date in the format shown on the screen or enter a space for no Expiration Date.  The Screen will prompt for Qty.



  1. Enter the Qty to receive of the product shown into the location shown.  This does not have to be the full amount of the PO.  In this example, we receive 40 out of the 100 on the PO.  The System will now prompt for another Product to receive.



  1. Either Scan the next product on the PO or press Enter to scan a different Location.  Repeat the process until all items are received.  After all items are received, press enter until the following screen is displayed:



  1. This screen confirms that you want to exit the PO and allows you to either Close the PO or not.


    1. Close PO (Enter Y or 1).  The PO will go to a status of receiving complete.  Based on the Prompt Configuration Quick Books: Create Bill it will either go to a status of Receiving Complete (Yes) or Awaiting Backorder Generation (No).  All POs with a status of Receiving Complete will have Bills generated in Quick Books for them using the QuickBooks Export Screen before going to a status of Awaiting Backorder generation themselves.


    1. Do Not Close PO (Enter N or 0).  The PO will remain in a status of Awaiting Receipt.  Any individual items received will have Sub Items with a status of Receiving Complete for each location the product was received into.  This can be displayed on the PO Receiving screen in the desktop application.  The PO can continue to be received against using the RF at a later time.


    1. After making an entry, the screen will go back to prompting for a PO.