To load orders from a CSV (comma separated value) file:
- Start with a sample standard order file.
- Make sure the standard order file is saved in Excel with a file extension of .CSV (Comma delimited). You can do this by using the Save As function. Be careful not to save it in excel format - XLS, because there might be changes on the values or errors might appear.
- *Note* Please Save the file in a familiar location on your computer, so that you can browse and import it easily
In Coreflex 3pl; To Import Standard Orders; go to the Import Menu at the top and choose Standard Orders.
- Click the Import Orders button and a dialog will open allowing you to search or browse for the standard order file you created.
- Once you choose the file to be imported, please make sure that you will see a message saying the Import was sucessful.
- After you successfully imported the standard order file, click the close button at the bottom right.
- Next, click the Import menu at the top again, and this time choose Apply Orders. The Apply Imported Orders screen would then come up.
- What you then need to do is hit on refresh and look for the file Standard Order that you just mported.
- *Note* Please look for any errors and see what it specifaclly says to rectify it.
- Highlight the Standard Order that you just imported; you can then assign it to a specific account or apply it right away.
- As orders are applied they would be removed from the Apply Imported Orders screen.
- When the Standard Order has been Applied, click the Close button. The Order is now in Coreflex.