How To Remove Stranded Allocations?
First, please check if your Coreflex application has this screen available: Inventory Controls - Inventory Totals - Show Allocated Orders. This screen will allow you to set the Qty Allocated in the Location for the product equal to the number displayed in the Total Allocated Qty from the List. If it is not available on your end, then kindly follow the steps below:
If you are certain no orders are allocated against the inventory, you can remove the allocations on a bin by bin basis as follows:
- Go to Inventory Control – Physical Inventory – Adjust inventory screen.
- Query the product and the specific location.
- Remove ALL inventory from the bin.
- Use a minus sign (-) when removing; for example, to remove 5 input -5 in the Adjustment Qty field. Make sure also to Update UOM before you make any adjustments.
- If it warns you that allocated inventory will be removed, allow it.
- After removing, add ALL inventory back into the bin.
- Use a plus sign (+) when adding; for example, to add 5 input +5 in the Adjustment Qty field. Make sure also to Update UOM before you make any adjustments.
- After making the adjustments, please check if there are still stranded allocations in the Inventory Controls - Inventory Totals screen.
- If you still see stranded allocations, please click the Recalc Selected button (which recalculates only the highlighted item) or the Recalc All button (which would recalculate all items in the account.)