This function allows you to Move Inventory by Scanning
Source Location, Productid and Destination Location.
- Below
is the first screen which is displayed after selecting Move Inventory on
the Inventory Menu.
- Scan a
Source Location. The Source
Location scanned will appear at the top of the screen and the screen
prompts for the productid to Move.
- Scan a
Product. The Product information
will be displayed and the qty and UOM in the Source Location will be
displayed. The Screen prompts for a
Destination Location.
- You
may either scan a destination location or a press “?” to see all the
locations where the product currently exists (below).
- Enter
a selection (1 – 14) to indicate the desired destination location. The Screen will display the Qty and UOM
of the product in the Destination Location. The screen will prompt for Qty.
- Enter
the Qty to be moved or enter a U to change the UOM that the location will
keep the Product in. Note that you
cannot change UOM if there are other products already in the Destination
Bin. After the qty is entered, the
inventory is moved and screen reverts to Step 1 to allow you to move the
next product. The screen will
prompt for the next Product to be moved.