Update 22 Init 19

Size classes are used to manage sizes specific to the Garmenn industry. It allows users to deteremine the print sequence of sizes on Matrix documents such as pick tickets, packing lists and receiving reports. Assess this screen from the Setup menu Size Calsses option.

How it Works:

This is for printed output for the Garment Industry which uses Style-Color-Size to identify products.
Typically, A matrix is printed as follows:

Style - Color   -38 -40 -42 -44
1111-Red 2 1 4 5
1111-Blue 3 1 3 1

All of the Different Sizes lists (ie 38,42,44,46,48,50... or S,M,L,Xl,XXl etc) which will be printed as Columns must be defined in a SizeClass. A SizeClass should be limited to 12 or less items so it can fit on a page. Each productid is then assigned a SizeClass.

For example:
SizeClass REG-A may contain sizes 38R,40R,42R,44R,46R,48R,50R,52R,54R,56R
SizeClass REG-B may contain sizes 58R,60R,62R,64R,66R,68R,70R,72R

Sizeclass SML may contain sizes SS,S,P,M,L,XL,XXL
Sizeclass SML+ may contain sizes 3XL,4XL,5XL,6XL

SizeClasses are generated by going to Setup | Size Classes.
Add a sizeclass name and size, then continue adding sizes to the class.
The order in which the columns are displayed on printed output is the same as the order shown on the screen,
with the top size being printed first and the bottom size being printed last.
Change the order by highlighting a size and clicking the Move Up or Move Down buttons.

Add Sizeclass to a product by goint to Search menu - Products option and calling up the product and updating the Size Class field,
or by going to the Setup menu - Multiple Products screen where you can updated many products at a time.