Update 22 Init 14
- This screen allows you to Apply Charges that are setup using
the Add
Update Charges Screen to Automatically Insert against past events.
- *Note* If under the Trucking Contract Screen you have the Manually Charge Account box checked; you will not be able to generate charges to that trucking contract unless you uncheck the box.
- For example you can retroactively apply a BOL fee for every
order shipped for the past month.
- Select
the Account that you will work with.
- Next,
highlight the setup charges in the left list you wish to Apply
- Select
an Event Type to apply the charges to.
- Highlight
the Events in the lower list to apply the charges to.
- Click
the Generate Charges button.
- When the charges are applied, you will see the charges
column increase. The charges column
reflects the number of charges applied to that event currently.
- Inventory Charges can be applied to All Accounts at one time
as follows:
- Select
Current Inventory Levels from the Type (#3) Drop-Downs
- Select
Inventory from the Type Drop Down under the Account (#1) drop down
- Select
– All – from the Account Drop Down (#1).
- Highlight
the desired inventory setup charges in the left list (#2).
- The
right list will display a list of accounts that have inventory setup
charges. Highlight the desired
accounts and click Generate Charges (#5).
- Event Filters Section
- Contains box
- Event Date Start
- Event Date Stop
- Filter By Date box
- Order # dropdown
- Types dropdown
- Settings For Generated Charges Section
- Skip If Charges Exists for Events box
- Status dropdown
- Override Apply date
- Set-up Charges Section
List Columns
- Events List Columns
- Charges
- BOL #
- BOL Type
- Ship Date
- Ship To
- Set up Charges To Generate List Columns
- This List Column would have the charges set to be generated.
- Generate Charges
- This would generate charges that were highlighted on the set up charges list to the event(s) under the events list column.
- Refresh