Bin Location Load



To load Bin Locations from a file created in Excel:


1)      Start with a sample Bin Location load file.

a.       For the Coreflex Public Warehouse version, open the file “PWH Location Import.csv” in Excel.

b.      For the Coreflex WMS (Private Warehouse version), open the file “Private Location Import.csv” in Excel.


2)      Fill in the fields in the spreadsheet.


a.       Any unused and unnecessary fields may be removed by completely removing the column from the spreadsheet.


b.      If you are using the Coreflex Pallet Tracking Module, a unique Pallet ID is automatically assigned to each Pallet by Coreflex and the Pallet ID becomes the Bin portion of the location.  For example, Pallet Id P12345678 in Area “GEN” Shelf “A” has a Bin of “P12345678”.  The full location Id is GEN-A-P12345678.  Therefore you only need to load the Area and Shelf portion of the location in preparation for Pallet inventory.


3)      Save the spreadsheet in a CSV (comma delimited) format in Excel using the save as function.  Be careful not to save it in excel format as this can change data values by removing leading zeros (bin 01 becomes 1) and changing long data values such as UPC to exponential notation.


4)      In Coreflex, go to the Import menu and select Bin Locations.  The Import Bin Locations Dialog will appear.


5)      Click the Import Locations button and a dialog will open allowing you to search for the Location Import file you created.  Highlight the file and click Open.  The file will be imported.  If there are problems with loading the file, a message will appear with the line number in the file that caused the problem.


6)      After the file has been imported successfully, click the Close Button on the Import Bin Locations File Dialog.


7)      Go to the Import menu and select Apply Bin Locations.  The Apply Imported Bin Locations Dialog will appear.


8)      Select “Show Locations in import file which do not exist in Coreflex” from the drop-down menu at the top of the dialog and click the Refresh button.  The locations loaded from the file should appear.


9)      Highlight all of the locations and click the Apply button.  Locations which applied properly will be removed from the screen.


10)  When all Locations are Applied, click the Close button.  The Locations are now in Coreflex and can be viewed or edited by clicking on Locations in the Setup Menu.