Failed to Run POST-SQL

Errors are specific to screens. Select the error for the screen on which the error was received.

Shipments - Confirm Orders(back to top)

This can be caused by a Packsize or Master Packsize being set to zero. 

Go to Set-up - Account Preference; under the column Groupname look for Shipment. After that, under the Preference column, look for: Calculate CTN Qty using.  If it is set to Packsize, verify that all Packsize in the product master are non-zero. If it is set to Master Packsize, verify that all Packsize in the product master are non-zero.

*Note* You can change the Packsize or Master Packsize by clicking the Update button at the top right of the Product Details screen, and once done hit the OK button. Or you can update multiple products using the Setup – Multiple Products screen.


Shipments - Confirm Orders - Confirm Multiple Orders (back to top)

This can be caused by a Packsize or Master Packsize being set to zero. 

Go to Set-up - Account Preference; under the column Groupname look for Shipment. After that, under the Preference column, look for: Calculate CTN Qty using.  If it is set to Packsize, verify that all Packsize in the product master are non-zero. If it is set to Master Packsize, verify that all Packsize in the product master are non-zero.

*Note* You can change the Packsize or Master Packsize by clicking the Update button at the top right of the Product Details screen, and once done hit the OK button. Or you can update multiple products using the Setup – Multiple Products screen.