Example #1


Following is an example for billing at the Account Level.  Refer to the Add Update Account Screen documentation for detailed explanation of each field.  For more billing setup examples including Pallet billing, refer to the Billing Setup Examples document.


To get to this screen Go to the Setup menu and select Accounts.  Click the Add button or the Update button. 




The above screen shows how to set the billing fields to achieve the following:


1.      Receiving Handling will be billed at $3.50 per base unit received.


2.      Inventory Storage will be billed at $.50 per base unit in inventory with at least $20.20 per line of inventory billing.


3.      Out bound orders will be charged at $3.50 per order plus $.75 per order line.


4.      Shipping charges for UPS order (determined by shipping method) will get an additional $3.00 Charge.


5.      Shipping charges for BOL orders (determined by shipping method) will be billed based on the total quantity shipped of the order. 


5.1.   If total quantity is less than 100, each item is billed at $1.00.


5.2.   If total quantity is 100 or more and less than 200, each item is billed at .75. 


5.3.   If total quantity is 200 or greater, each item is billed at .50.


6.      No Backorders will be generated for orders for this account.