Coreflex Inventory Systems

PO Box 1095

Oaks, PA 19456

Tel 610 757 1100 Fax 201 808 2700




General Instructions when using the Batch Terminal


Important Keys:


ON/OFF      – Used to cycle power

ENTER/YES – Used to Answer YES

NO            – Used to Answer NO (located on the 0 key)

END          – Used to backup one menu step (see below)

SHIFT        – Used for entering letters (see below)

CLEAR       – Clears the entire line of text currently displayed

DELETE      – Backs the cursor up one character


Powering On the Terminal:


When you fist power on the terminal, it will ask you to press any key to continue.  After pressing a key, the “Data Collection?” prompt will appear.


At this point, you either answer Yes to enter Data Collection Mode and display the Main menu, or No to perform Terminal Set-up or Data Transfer Functions.


All of the Terminal Operations for scanning products are done in Data Collection  Mode and start at the Main Menu.



Main Menu:


To reach the main menu:


  • If the terminal is OFF, or you are not in Data Collection mode, see the instructions above for Powering On the Terminal.
  • If the terminal is on and you are in Data Collection Mode, you can press the green Enter key to back out of any sub-menu to the main menu.


The Main menu appears as follows:


Press 1 for INVentory Functions

Press 2 for Purchase Order related Functions

Press 3 for Sales Order related Functions




Moving back a step:


While scanning and entering data on the Batch Terminal, you may notice that the last item entered or scanned was incorrect.  In most cases, you can go back to the previous prompt by pressing the green Enter key.


Entering Letters:


To enter letters on the Batch Terminal, you must put the Terminal into Shift Mode.  This is done by pressing the blue Shift button on the Terminal.  In Shift Mode, the cursor appears like this: _ .


Letters displayed on the keys in blue shaded areas will be entered on the Batch Terminal when Shift Mode is on. 


To Exit Shift Mode, press the Shift Key again, and the cursor goes back to normal:  _ .


Batch Terminal Messages:


“Data File Exists” – This message is annunciated when entering Data Collection Mode when data exists in the Terminal that has not been uploaded to the PC yet, or was not deleted after the upload was completed.  It is just a reminder that there is data existing in the Terminal at that time.


“Data Too Short” – This message is annunciated when the Enter key is pressed and data is expected.  The Terminal will not go to the next step until either data is entered, or you press the END key to back-up to the previous step or menu.


Taking a Physical Inventory (CTS)


Used For:

·        Obtaining counts of physical inventory with the Batch Terminal, which can then be compared and applied to the perpetual inventory levels in Coreflex.

·        Taking an initial inventory before live implementation of the software.


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.      Go to main menu

a.    The Main Menu is displayed (1=INV,2=PO,3=SO)


2.      Enter a 1 for INV

a.    The Inventory Menu is displayed


3.      Enter a 2 for Count

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a Location


4.      Enter/Scan the Location to be counted

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a Product ID


5.      Enter/Scan the Product to be counted

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a QTY


6.      Enter the QTY of the product in the location

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Product ID


7.      Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all Products in the location are counted then press END.

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Location to count from


8.      Repeat steps 4 thru 7 until all desired Inventory is counted and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

a.    The Main Menu is displayed


9.      Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions later in this document)

a.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading to the PC.


Moving Inventory (MOV)


Used For:

·        Recording moves of physical inventory from one warehouse location to another


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.      Go to Main Menu.

b.    The Main menu is displayed (1=INV, 2=PO, 3=SO)


2.      Enter a 1 for INV

a.    The Inventory Menu is displayed


3.      Enter a 1 for Move

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a Source Location


4.      Enter/Scan the Location the inventory is to be moved from

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a Product ID


5.      Enter/Scan the Product to be moved

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a QTY


6.      Enter the QTY of the product to move

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the Destination Location


7.      Enter/Scan the Location to move the inventory into

a.    The move is completed

b.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Source Location


8.      Repeat steps 4 thru 7 until all desired moves are complete and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

a.    The Main Menu is displayed


9.      Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions later in this document)

a.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading to the PC.



Adding Product Scan Codes (SCN)


Used For:

·        Recording Product Scan Codes for new products or initial warehouse set-up


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.      Go to the Main Menu

a.    The Main Menu is displayed (1=INV,2=PO,3=SO)


2.      Enter a 1 for INV

a.    The Inventory Menu is displayed


3.      Enter a 3 for SCAN

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for SCN Product


4.      Enter/Scan the Product ID for the product

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a SCN Scan code


5.      Scan the barcode label on the product

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next SCN Product


6.      Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all desired Scan Codes are entered and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

a.    The Main Menu is displayed


7.      Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions later in this document)

a.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading to the PC.





Receiving against an Existing PO (RCE)


Used For:

·        Receiving inventory into Coreflex for a PO which exists in the system


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.      Go to the Main Menu

a.    The Main Menu is displayed (1=INV,2=PO,3=SO)


2.      Enter a 2 for PO

a.    The PO Menu is displayed


3.      Enter a 1 for RCE

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for RCE PO


4.      Enter/Scan the PO to be received

a.    The PO MUST exist in Coreflex

b.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a RCE Product


5.      Enter/Scan the Product to be received

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a RCE QTY


6.      Enter the QTY of the product to receive

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Product ID


7.      Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all Products to be received against the PO at this time are entered.

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next PO to receive


8.      Repeat steps 4 thru 7 until all desired PO’s are received and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

a.    The Main Menu is displayed


9.      Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions later in this document)

a.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading to the PC.


Receiving against a New PO (RCN)


Used For:

·        Receiving inventory into Coreflex for a PO which does not exist in the system

·        Receiving inventory that was not specifically ordered


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.      Go to the Main Menu

a.    The Main Menu is displayed (1=INV,2=PO,3=SO)


2.      Enter a 2 for PO

a.    The PO Menu is displayed


3.      Enter a 2 for RCN

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for RCN Vendor


4.      Enter/Scan the Vendor # who sent the inventory

a.    Coreflex will create a separate PO for each vendor scanned during batch collection

b.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a RCN Product


5.      Enter/Scan the Product to be received

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a RCN QTY


6.      Enter the QTY of the product to receive

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Product ID


7.      Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all Products to be received for this Vendor are entered

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Vendor to receive from


8.      Repeat steps 4 thru 7 until all desired Inventory is received and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

a.    The Main Menu is displayed


9.      Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions later in this document)

a.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading to the PC.


Receiving Items (Not agains a PO) (RIT)


Used For:

·        Receiving inventory into Coreflex without using a PO

·        Receiving inventory that was not specifically ordered


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.      Go to the Main Menu

a.    The Main Menu is displayed (1=INV,2= PO ,3=SO)


2.      Enter a 2 for PO

a.    The PO Menu is displayed (1=PO, 2=ITEM)


3.      Enter a 2 for ITEM

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for ACCOUNTNO


4.      Enter/Scan the ACCOUNT # who owns the inventory

a.    Coreflex will create a separate PO for each ACCOUNT scanned during batch collection

b.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a RIT Location


5.      Enter/Scan the Location for the inventory to be received in.

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a RIT PRODUCTID


6.      Enter/Scan the Product to be received

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a RIT LOTNO

7.      Enter the LOT # of the product to receive. If there is no lot for the product, enter a Space using the Space key.

a.    The Batch Terminal displays the Qty Menu (1=Qty, 2=Serial)


8.      If there are no serial #'s associated with the Product being received, Enter 1. If you want to scan Serial #'s, enter 2.

a.    If a 1 is entered, the Batch Terminal prompts for Qty (goto 10 below).

b.    If a 2 is entered, the Batch Terminal prompts for Serial # (goto 9 below).


9.      Enter/Scan the Serial # to receive

a.    The Batch Terminal will continue to prompt for Serial #s until End is pressed (Goto 8).

10.      Enter the QTY of the product to receive

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Product ID (Goto 6).


11.      Repeat steps 6 through 10 until all Products to be received for this Account are entered and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

a.    The Main Menu is displayed


12.      Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions later in this document)

a.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading to the PC.



Entering a New PO (PO ENT)


Used For:

·        Re-Ordering Inventory based on spot checks in the warehouse or in remote locations


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.      Go to the Main Menu.

a.    The Main Menu is displayed (1=INV,2=PO,3=SO)


2.      Enter a 2 for PO

a.    The PO Menu is displayed


3.      Enter a 3 for ENTRY

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for ENT Vendor


4.      Enter/Scan the Vendor # to order from

a.    Coreflex will create a separate PO for each vendor scanned during batch collection

b.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a ENT Product


5.      Enter/Scan the Product to order

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a ENT QTY


6.      Enter the QTY of the product to order

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Product ID


7.      Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all Products to order for this Vendor/PO are entered

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Vendor to order from


8.      Repeat steps 4 thru 7 until all desired Inventory is ordered and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

a.    The Main Menu is displayed


9.      Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions later in this document)

a.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading to the PC.


Picking an Existing Sales Order (PKE)


Used For:

·        Picking inventory for an existing order


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.    Go to the Main Menu

a.    The Main Menu is displayed (1=INV,2=PO,3=SO)


2.    Enter a 3 for SO

a.    The SO Menu is displayed


3.    Enter a 1 for PKE

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for PKE Order


4.    Enter/Scan the Order to be Picked

a.    The Order MUST exist in Coreflex with a status of In Picking

b.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a PKE Location


5.    Enter/Scan the Location to pick from

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a PKE Product


6.    Enter/Scan the Product to be picked

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a PKE QTY


7.    Enter the QTY of the product to Pick

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Product ID


8.    Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all Products from that location are picked and then press END.

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next picking Location


9.    Repeat steps 5 thru 8 until all products are picked for the order and press END.

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for PKE Order


10.     Repeat steps 4 thru 9 until all desired Orders are picked and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

a.    The Main Menu is displayed


11.     Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions later in this document)

a.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading to the PC.


Picking a New Sales Order (PKN)


Used For:

·        Picking inventory for a new order


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.    Go to the Main Menu.

a.    The Main Menu is displayed (1=INV, 2=PO,3=SO)


2.    Enter a 3 for SO

a.    The SO Menu is displayed


3.    Enter a 2 for PKN

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for PKN ACCOUNT

4.    Enter/Scan the Account to Pick for

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for PKN Customer

5.    Enter/Scan the Customer to pick the order for

a.    A separate order will be created for each customer entered

b.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a PKN Location


6.    Enter/Scan the Location to pick from

a.    The Batch Terminal Displays a PKN Product Menu (1=Product,2=Ser)


7.    Enter a 1 to scan a product for the order to be picked. Enter a 2 to scan a Serial number to be picked.

a.    If a 1 is entered, the Batch Terminal prompts for a PKN Product to Pick (Goto 9)

b.    If a 2 is entered, the Batch Terminal prompts for a PKN Serial to Pick (Goto 8)

8.    Enter/Scan the Serial # to Pick

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Serial #. When all Serial#s to be picked are scanned, press End to go back to the


9.    Enter/Scan the Product to be picked

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the PKN QTY

10.    Enter/Scan the Qty Pick

a.    The Batch Terminal goes back to the PRODUCT Menu (goto 7)


11.    Repeat steps 7 thru 10 until all Products from that location are picked and then press END.

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next picking Location


12.    Repeat steps 6 thru 10 until all products are picked for the customer and press END.

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for PKN Customer


10.     Repeat steps 5 thru 10 until all desired Customers are picked and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

a.    The Main Menu is displayed


11.     Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions section)

a.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading


Entering a New Sales Order (SO ENT)


Used For:

·        Adding orders for customers from a remote location


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.      Go to the Main Menu.

a.    The Main Menu is displayed (1=INV,2=PO,3=SO)


2.      Enter a 3 for SO

a.    The SO Menu is displayed


3.      Enter a 3 for ENTRY

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for ENT Customer


4.      Enter/Scan the Customer # the order is for

a.    Coreflex will create a separate SO for each Customer scanned during batch collection

b.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a ENT Product


5.      Enter/Scan the Product to order

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for a ENT QTY


6.      Enter the QTY of the product to order

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Product ID


7.      Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all Products to order for this Customer/SO are entered

a.    The Batch Terminal prompts for the next Customer to order for


8.      Repeat steps 4 thru 7 until all desired items are added to orders and then press END until the Main Menu is displayed

b.    The Main Menu is displayed


9.      Upload the data file to the PC (see Upload instructions later in this document)

b.    Note:  You may perform other operations before uploading to the PC.


Upload Instructions


  • This section details how to send the data collected by the Batch Terminal to a PC.
  • The PC must have the TriCoder Utilities loaded on it.


Batch Terminal Procedure:

1.      Cycle Power on the Batch Terminal by pressing ON/OFF button

2.      The Batch Terminal will say Hit Any Key


PC Procedure:

1.      Connect the USB Cable from the TriCoder to the PC USB Port

2.      Run the TriCoder Utilities

3.      Click on the TriCoder Upload Tab

4.      If you have collected any data with the TriCoder, you should see a file under the Data files folder on the left side of the window.  The file will be named DATA FILE #1.

a.    If you do not see this file, try going to the View menu and clicking Refresh.  If the file still does not appear, it means there is no data file in the TriCoder.

5.      Click on DATA FILE #1

6.      On the right side of the screen, select the folder where you want to store the files until you load them with Coreflex.

7.      Click the -> button and the file will transfer to the PC.

8.      The Software will prompt that the upload is complete, and ask whether you want to delete the file from the TriCoder Memory.  Click yes.

9.      The Tricoder is now ready to collect more data, and the file is ready to be imported into Coreflex.



Importing the Batch File into Coreflex


  • This sections details how to import the Data Files previously uploaded from the Batch Terminal into Coreflex



Coreflex Procedure:

1.      Run Coreflex and go to the Batch Processing Tab

2.      Click on the Batch Import tab

3.      Click the Import File button

4.      A dialog box will appear that will allow you to search for the File to Load

5.      Highlight the data file to be loaded and click the Open button

6.      You will get a series of messages concluding with “Transfer Completed Successfully”

7.      The file will be moved from its previous location into a Save folder (C:\Program Files\Coreflex\Relx.x.x\CFXWMS\Foundation\Save)



























Applying Physical Inventory Counts


  • This Sections details how to update the Coreflex perpetual inventory using the inventory counts entered on the Batch Terminal using the COUNT Operation.
  • No changes are made to the Inventory in Coreflex until this is complete.



Coreflex Procedure:


1.      Go to the Batch Counts Sub-Tab found under the Batch Processing Tab.  This screen will display all the counts taken by the batch terminal that have not yet been applied.  Not that the counts can be sorted by clicking on the column headings.  Data displayed includes:

a.    Area-Shelf-Bin    - Location

b.    Product ID          - Product ID of the Product

c.     Scan                  - Data scanned by Batch Terminal

d.    Perpetual           - Current qty of product in location

e.    Count                        - Count Entered in Batch Terminal

f.      Variance            - Perpetual – Count


2.      Lines may be deleted from the list by highlighting the line and click the Delete Button.


3.      To print the counts, highlight the desired lines (or highlight none to print all the lines) and click the Print Button.


4.      To export the counts to a comma separated variable file (for use in Microsoft Excel), highlight the desired lines (or highlight none to export all the lines) and click the Export Button.  A dialog will appear allowing you so name and save the file.


5.      There are several ways to view the count data.  The default is to show the counts only.  By changing the drop-down menu at the top of the screen, you can also view the counts as follows:

a.    Include Uncounted Locations for Counted Products

                                                             i.      This will show perpetual inventory levels for the products that were counted in locations that were not included in the count.  This information is useful when cycle counting a product.


b.    Include Uncounted Products  for counted locations.

                                                             i.      This will show perpetual inventory levels for products in the counted locations that were not included in the count.   This is useful when doing a physical inventory of the warehouse.


c.     Show All.

                                                             i.      This includes perpetual inventory information from both a and b above.


6.      To Apply the counts (ie update the current Coreflex Inventory Levels), highlight the desired lines and click the Apply Button.  Click Apply All Button to Apply all the lines in the file.

a.    Note:  Lines marked * Not Counted * will not be applied as they are for reference only



Confirming Batch Moves


  • This Sections details how to confirm the moves scanned into the Batch Terminal using the MOV Operation. 
  • No changes are made to the Inventory in Coreflex until this is complete.


Coreflex Procedure:


1.      Go to the Batch Processing Tab.  Click on the Batch Move Sub-Tab.  Click on the Print Move List Sub-Tab.  A list of Move Reports will be displayed.


2.      Sort the List to that the latest report shows first by clicking on the Report column heading.  Highlight the report and click the Print Button.  You may skip printing the report to paper by pressing cancel when the Print Dialog box appears, otherwise, select a print and print the report.


3.      Go to the Confirm Moves Tab.  From the Work Order drop-down, select the report you just printed.  The moves you scanned using the Batch terminal will be displayed on the screen.  Note that the screen only displays 2 lines at a time.


4.      The text message to the right of the Work Order number should say Balanced.  This means that all the moves on the place as much inventory in the destination location as they remove from the source location.  If the message does not say balanced, do the following:


a.    The left side of the report screen shows the source location, Product ID, Product Description, and Quantity to be moved.  The right side of the screen shows the destination location and qty to be moved.  Using the Next Screen button, scroll through the report until you find a line where the Source and Destination Quantities do not match.

                                                             i.      Note:  To the left of each line there are numbers indicating X of Y Quantities for the move, you can just look for the red numbers to find the lines where they do not match.


b.    Update the Source QTY as desired by changing the number in the field and pressing enter.


c.     Update the Destination QTY or Location as desired by clicking on the Current Destination information and editing it in the Box above.  Press entering when editing is complete.

                                                             i.      Note:  There must be 2 dashes between area and shelf.


d.    The X of Y Quantities on the left side of the line will turn green when the move is balanced.


e.    Repeat Steps a through d until all lines are balanced.  The Word Balanced will be displayed in green at the top of the report.


5.      Click the Apply button, and the moves will be completed.




Applying Batch Scan Codes


  • This Sections details how to Apply the new scan codes scanned by the Batch Scanner using the SCN Operation.
  • No changes are made to Scan Codes in Coreflex until this is complete.


Coreflex Procedure:


1.    Go to the Batch Processing Tab.  Click on the Batch Scan Codes Sub-Tab.  A list of the Product IDs and Scan Codes will be displayed.


2.    Delete lines from the screen by highlighting one or more of the lines and clicking the Delete button.


3.    Add the Scan Codes to the system by highlighting one or more of the lines and clicking the Apply button.







Confirming Batch Receiving Operations


  • This Sections details how to Confirm RCN and RCE Operations  entered into the Batch Unit.
  • No Inventory is Added to Locations in Coreflex until this is complete.


Coreflex Procedure: (Unless otherwise notes, these steps work for both RCE and RCN Operations)


1.      Any errors generated as a result of the RCE Operation, such as incorrect product or location scans, are displayed on the Batch Receiving Sub-Tab of the Batch Processing Tab.

a.    Click Search to refresh this screen.


2.      Go to the Purchase Orders Tab and click the PO Receiving Sub-Tab.


3.      Click the Search button and select the desired order from the list.


4.      Receive the PO as you normally would for any Coreflex PO.


5.      To update PO Header fields such as Reference #, Terms, Etc.:


a.    Go to the PO Entry/Edit Tab. 

b.    Make sure the PO # Query is selected in the drop down at the top and enter the PO # that you want to change and click search. 

c.     Double click the PO from the pop-up list and the PO is displayed on the screen.

d.    Update the header fields as desired and click Save PO.



Confirming Batch Picking Operations


  • This Sections details how to Confirm PKN and PKE Operations  entered into the Batch Unit.
  • No Inventory is removed from Locations in Coreflex until this is complete.


Coreflex Procedure: (Unless otherwise notes, these steps work for both PKE and PKN Operations)


1.      Any errors generated as a result of the PKE Operation, such as incorrect product or location scans, are displayed on the Batch Picking Sub-Tab of the Batch Processing Tab.

e.    Click Search to refresh this screen.


2.      Go to the Sales Orders Tab and click the Confirm orders Sub-Tab.


3.      Click the Search button and select the desired order from the list.


4.      Confirm the order as you normally would for any Coreflex Order.


5.      To update Order Header fields such as Customer PO, Terms, Etc.:


f.      Go to the Order Entry/Edit Tab. 

g.    Make sure the Order # Query is selected in the drop down at the top and enter the Order # that you want to change and click search. 

h.    Double click the Order from the pop-up list and the order is displayed on the screen.

i.       Update the header fields as desired and click Save.



Processing POs Entered on the Batch Terminal


  • This Sections details how to Process Purchase Orders entered on the Batch Terminal using the PO ENT Operation
  • No Inventory is added to Locations in Coreflex until this is complete.


Coreflex Procedure:


1.      The PO is added to Coreflex in a status of New.  The PO can be added to Coreflex with a status of Awaiting Receipt if desired by going to the Set-up menu and selecting System Settings.  Change the Batch:  PO entry Status to New.


2.      To update PO Header fields such as Reference #, Terms, Etc.:


a.    Go to the PO Entry/Edit Tab. 

b.    Make sure the PO # Query is selected in the drop down at the top and enter the PO # that you want to change and click search. 

c.     Double click the PO from the pop-up list and the PO is displayed on the screen.

d.    Update the header fields as desired and click Save PO.


3.      Process the PO as you would any PO in Coreflex.




Processing Orders Entered on the Batch Terminal


  • This Sections details how to Process Sales Orders entered on the Batch Terminal using the SO ENT Operation
  • No Inventory is removed from Locations in Coreflex until this is complete.


Coreflex Procedure:


1.      The Order is added to Coreflex in a status of Awaiting Allocation.  The Order can be added to Coreflex with a status of In Entry if desired by going to the Set-up menu and selecting System Settings.  Change the Batch:  Sales Order entry Status to In Entry.


2.      To update Order Header fields such as Customer PO, Terms, Etc.:


a.    Go to the Order Entry/Edit Tab. 

b.    Make sure the Order# Query is selected in the drop down at the top and enter the Order # that you want to change and click search. 

c.     Double click the Order from the pop-up list and the Order is displayed on the screen.

d.    Update the header fields as desired and click Save.


3.      Process the Order as you would any Order in Coreflex.



System Settings for the Batch Processing


The following are settings found in the System selection on the Set-up Menu:


  • Batch:  Sales Order Entry Status.  This setting allows you to choose the status that Sales Orders created using the Batch Terminal SO ENT Operation will be when the file is uploaded into Coreflex.


  • Batch:  Sales Order Add To Picked Qty.  When set to No, the Qty Picked for orders updated by the PKE Operations will be set to the number in the last upload from the Batch Terminal.  When set to Yes, the Qty Picked will be incremented by the number in the last upload from the Batch Terminal.


  • Batch:  PO Entry Status.  This setting allows you to choose the status that Purchase Orders created using the Batch Terminal PO ENT Operation will be when the file is uploaded into Coreflex.


  • Batch:  PO  Add To Picked Qty.  When set to No, the Qty Received for orders updated by the RCE Operations will be set to the number in the last upload from the Batch Terminal.  When set to Yes, the Qty Received will be incremented by the number in the last upload from the Batch Terminal.


  • Batch: Recalc Totals After Import.  When set to Yes, Coreflex automatically recalculate the On Hand, On Order, Committed, and Allocated totals whenever a new Batch File is imported.  Set this to No if you find the Batch Import is running slowly.  Note that you will have to manually Recalculate the totals at some point by going to the Inventory Totals tab and clicking Recalc All.