Sample PDF File |
Source |
Printers: Picksheet Template |
Notes |
System Settings / Account Prefs |
PickSheet_Pallet1 |
- Displays pallet split quantities.
- Prints the pallet quantity as x/y where x is the quantity to pick from the pallet and y is the quantity currently on the pallet.
- Either the Physical Pallet ID or the Pallet # (if the Physical Pallet ID for that pallet is blank) will display under the Area and Shelf.
- The field used for the Physical Pallet ID is a system setting -Pallet Tracking: Physcial Pallet ID Field.
Picksheet_Garment |
- Displays a Matrix Pick Sheet for the Garment Industry using the Sizeclass table and Product Categories:
- Category4 = Color
- Category5 = Size
- Category9 = Style
Picksheet_Prodcat |
- Leave sorting on Garment, used product category fields
PickSheet_PalletHeaders |
- Displays Totals for picking for each product on the order.
PickSheet_PalletHeaders |
- Same as PickSheet_ProductHeaders but with Barcodes for each product.
- Printers: Picksheet Show Product Barcodes
Picksheet_PackingList |
- This Pick Sheet looks just like the standard packing list and uses all the settings the standard Packing List uses
- Printers: Packing Slip Use Account Ship From Address
Picksheet_Barcodes |
- Displays Barcodes along with qty ordered and backordered on a single line.
- All of the header Settings for the standard Pick Sheet apply to this picksheet.
PickSheet_ProductHeaders_Pallet |
- Displays Product Headers and includes the pallet qty and pallet user_defined4 field in the details.
PickSheet_ProductHeaders_Pallet2 |
- Displays same information as PickSheet_ProductHeaders_Pallet, however it does not repeat the productid on every line so there is more room for the Batch and Lot #.
PickSheet_ProductHeaders_Pallet3 |
- Displays same information as PickSheet_ProductHeaders_Pallet2, however Batch is replaced with the Pallet Weight and a Weight Total is added for each product.
PickSheet_PWH2 |
- Displays similar information as Picksheet but with Pick Ticket in Barcode form, Cancel Date and some other changes.
This is not a pick sheet template |
- Prints Suggested Pallet Picks for an order.
- List the Qty for pallet inventory rolled up by Lot # and Location.
- Printers: Suggested Picks Template should be set to SalesOrder_SuggestPallets_Summary
PickSheet |
- This is the default Picksheet that ships with Coreflex.
- It can be configured to show all the User Defined fields in the order, as well as the Ship Instructions Fields.
- Order # is printed with Barcode if Feature Barcoding is enabled.
- System Settings:
All Printers: Picksheet Settings Apply.
- Account Prefs:
All Pick Sheet Settings
PickSheet_PPKCTN |
- This pick sheet is used when importing pre-pack orders using the Customer Order Import Prepack Details.
- It will give a summary by prepack of how many cartons must be picked for each prepack type.
- System Settings:
All Header related Printers: Picksheet Settings Apply.
- This is the same as the PickSheet_PPKCTN (above) except that it also prints the Location or Locations of the Prepack Cartons.
- System Settings:
All Header related Printers: Picksheet Settings Apply.
PickSheet_PPKCTNLOCDetailed |
- This is the same as the PickSheet_PPKCTNLOC (above) except that it also prints the QTY To Pick and the Total Packs, Master packs and pieces for each Prepack.
- System Settings:
All Header related Printers: Picksheet Settings Apply.
PickSheet_PPKCTN |
- This pick sheet is used when importing pre-pack orders using the Customer Omrder Import Prepack Details.
- It will give a summary by prepack of how many cartons must be picked for each prepack type.
- System Settings:
All Header related Printers: Picksheet Settings Apply.
- This pick sheet displays multiple UOMs instead of just eaches on a product being set.
- For instructions on how to set it up, click Here.
- System Settings:
All Header related Printers: Picksheet Settings Apply.
PickSheet_ShipLabel1 |
- Includes the starting Picking Zone, Carrier Type, and Shipping Label Image on the Pick Sheet.
- The path to the Shipping Label can be set or viewed on the Order Data Screen.
- The Carrier Type is determined on allocation using the weight of the order against the entries in the Setup Shipping Carton Screen.
PickSheet_Pallet1 |
- Displays pallet split quantities. Prints the pallet quantity as x/y where x is the quantity to pick from the pallet ans y is the quantity currently on the pallet.
- Either the Physical Pallet ID or the Pallet # (if the Physical Pallet ID for that pallet is blank) will display under the Area and Shelf.
- The field used for the Physical Pallet ID is a system setting -Pallet Tracking: Physcial Pallet ID Field.