This is called from the Order Picking by entering an R when prompted for the Product ID. The Initial screen prompts for a Source Location to be scanned. The number on the top line is the total inventory on hand for the product in base units. The second line shows the location to be replenished and the third line shows the product being replenished.

Enter or Scan a source location, or enter a ? to display a list of possible source locations.

Use the list to find a Source Location. The quantity available in base units is displayed next to the location. Press enter to exit this screen when in front of the desired Source Location and then Scan or Enter the actual Source Location.

In the example above, the Source Location selected was GEN-A-03. The screen indicates that the inventory in the source location is kept in Eaches. The screen now prompts for the product to be entered or scanned. Scan the Product.

The screen prompts for the Destination Location to be scanned or enterred. This should match the location shown on the second line which is the original picking bin. Scan or Enter the Destination Location.

The screen prompts for the Quanity being replenished. The quantity enterred should be in the units displayed on the Replen Unit line. When the Quantity is entered, the inventory will be moved into the Picking Bin and the Replenish Bin Screen will close and the Picking Screen will re-appear and will prompt for the product id to be scaned.