Customizing the Packing Slip Logo

To print a custom logo on the standard packing slip form, the custom logo must be saved as a Bitmap (.bmp) file.

After creating the Bitmap, right click on the file and select properties. Go to the summary tab and note the Width and Height of the bitmap in pixels.

The space available on the Coreflex Packing Slip is roughly 1750 Wide by 800 High. The space you use should not exceed those dimensions, so you need to calculate dimensions that are within 1750 x 800 with the same ratio as your custom logo.

For example, if the logo width is 4200 and the height is 1200, the ratio is 3.5. For Ratios over 2.1 (which is the ratio of the space available), use a width of 1750 and the height would be 1200/3.5 = 342 so the logo dimensions will be 1750,342.

For example, if the logo width is 3000 and the height is 4000, the ratio is .75. For Ratios under 2.1 (which is the ratio of the space available), use a height of 800 and the width would be 800 x .75 = 600 so the logo dimensions will be 600,800.

Place the bitmap file in the c:\program files\coreflex\rel_2.4.6a\cfxwms\foundation folder.

Run Coreflex and select System from the Setup menu. Change the following settings:

Printers: Packing Slip Logo File - Set this to your log file name (mylogo.bmp)

Printers: Packing Slip Logo Size - Set this to the dimension you calculated above (1750,342)

