PWH – Update 12 Init 12


  1. Access this screen from the Setup menu System Option.

If Coreflex is being run locally (*) changes to these settings change the local profile of the PC that is running Coreflex. If you want the setting to be changed on other Coreflex Workstations, you must make the changes to each PC running Coreflex.  

  1. To change a System Setting:
    1. Highlight the desired setting.
    2. Enter or select a new value.
    3. Click the Change Button.
    4. Changes made on this screen will not take effect until Coreflex is restarted.
    5. Changes will only affect the local workstation running Coreflex depending on you installation (*).

Click here to see all Coreflex system settings that can be used to customize Coreflex.

Click here to see the Account Preferences that can be used to customize Coreflex for a specific Account.

(*) Locally is defined as Coreflex being installed directly on the PC.. If Coreflex is not installed directly on the PC meaning that it is being run on a server or in a network mode (i.e. the workstations only have an icon for Coreflex pointing to a server) then you only have to make the setting change once.